How to Grill New York Steaks

New York Steaks are sometimes called New York Strip Steak, Kansas City Strip Steaks…or just the abbreviated Strip Steaks. It’s is one of the most common cuts in restaurants, from the most expensive...

How to Bake Chicken Breasts

How to bake chicken breasts is one of the most common questions I hear from fans, friends, and family. With good reason. Chicken is one of the most common foods on the dinner table, and those...

How to Grill Chicken Breasts

Grilling season for me, starts when the outside thermometer reads about 40 degrees. And chicken is often the most frequent grilling choice. Not only does the grill give chicken breasts a great flavor...

How to Bake Pork Chops

The secret to perfectly baked pork chops is to throw away the concept of traditional baking! Pork chops are lean, which means they dry out quickly. To make sure your baked chops stay tender, juicy,...

How to Grill Steaks

I realize the subject of grilling steaks is a big topic. With the numerous cuts of beef available plus different desired levels of cooking, instructions could span several pages. But for our purposes...

How to Cook Filet Mignon in the Oven

Filet mignon, or “dainty fillet” is among the most coveted cuts from the cow due its lovely, tender texture and subtle flavor. Despite the title of our dish, filet mignon should not be fully cooked...

How to Cook Chicken Thighs

Sometimes, in my more reflective moments, I feel a bit bad for the humble chicken thigh. The thigh is one of the most flavorful, tender, and juicy parts of the chicken, but damn if those breasts don’...

How to Roast a Chicken - One Minute Cooking Classes

Knowing How to Roast a Chicken is something everyone should know, and frankly I’d advocate that it be taught in school as part of the standard curriculum. While so so simple, a roast chicken when...

How to Cook a Porterhouse Steak

A Porterhouse steak is a thing of beauty. Part Filet Mignon. Part New York Strip. It’s the most delicious Frankenstein you’ll ever cook. In this video, I show you how to cook a Porterhouse steak...

How to Dice a Pepper

Good cooks, have good prep skills. In this video, I show you how to dice a pepper. Knowing the right techniques will help move quicker and save time when cooking meals. And in addition to moving a...

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