How to Clean Broccoli

For many, broccoli is a love it or hate it vegetable. I am not one of those people. Some broccoli recipes I really like, others…let’s say I have a tough time with. But regardless of the specific...

How to Make Sundried Tomatoes

I love coming up with new recipe for tomatoes, and incorporating sun-dried tomatoes into your dishes open up all kinds of new possibilities. In this technique video, I show you how you can make your...

How to Get More Juice From Citrus Fruit

Have you ever cut open a lemon, or lime, ready to squeeze all that tangy, delicious juice out into a drink or into a marinade, and found just the most paltry trickle, slowly falling away despite your...

How to Blanch Potatoes

There are more ways to cook potatoes than I could possibly recount. Mashed and smashed, baked and boiled, fried and fricasseed…if there is a cooking technique, there’s probably a potato recipe for it...

How to Blanch Green Beans

In this cooking video, I show you how to blanch (also called par boil) green beans. It’s pretty much the same technique I use across most of my green vegetables; it’s very simple to do; and it helps...

How to Slice a Potato

Potato dishes come in all kinds of shapes and sizes….and recipes. Some of those recipes, like potato lyonnaise , require that you slice the potatoes into a thin disks. While professional chefs and...

How to Brine a Chicken

In this cooking video, I show you how to brine a chicken. Why bring a chicken you ask? Well, the best reasons are flavor, and moisture…which, when it comes to chickens, are pretty darn important...

How to Clean a Chicken

Here is a simple technique video where I show you how to clean a chicken. I end up cooking a whole roasted chicken at least once a month, and I gotta say, my least favorite part, every single time,...

How to Peel a Potato

In this cooking technique video, I show you show to peel a potato. Now, I hesitated even putting this video up, because, you know, who doesn’t know how to peel a potato? Well, it’s true that peeling...

How to Toast Almonds

Toast just about any nut, and you bring out the natural flavors and make the taste more intense. In this cooking video, I show you how to toast almonds. It’s a very simple technique, but sometimes...

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