Ten Tips for the Perfect Spaghetti

Now I’m not here to dismiss anyone’s favorite spaghetti. I know we all like Mom’s or Grandma’s version, and know in our heart of hearts, theirs is the best. I understand that that notion, and I’m...

How to Toast Pinenuts

I really like to incorporate nuts in my cooking, and pinenuts are among my favorites. I first used them in making fresh pesto, but soon after, I started throwing them in all kinds of recipes. Like...

How to Dice Apples

I love a good apple. One that’s crisp and delicious. And they aren’t just for snacking. Biting into a fresh apple, or sliced with some peanut butter is great, but I love to use them for cooking. Most...

How to Cut Carrots

Prep work is never the fun part of cooking, and in this post we focus on prep work. Specifically, how to cut carrots. Now, while cutting carrots is boring and dull, there is a very good reason you...

How to Clean Shitake Mushrooms

Despite a pretty strong distaste for mushrooms as a kid, in my adult years, I’ve really grown to love our fungi friends. There a broad diversity of types, that all have different flavors and textures...

How to Cook a Perfect Filet Mignon

There is no reason to be intimidated about cooking a filet mignon. While I have many friends and family that get nervous about steaks…they really are one of the easier things you can cook. To me, the...

How to Peel Fava Beans

There are a whole lot of types of beans out there, but one of my favorites, has got to be the Fava Bean. I really knew nothing about these until that Hannibal Lector movie a few years back, but once...

How to Braise

I’ve noticed over the past decade or so, that the traditional “cheap cuts” of meat have made a strong surge to prominence on many a fine dining menu. While filet mignon and New York strip steaks...

How to Sear a Scallop

One of my favorite foods to cook is scallops…which is great, because they are also one of my wife’s favorite foods to eat. The flavor is mild, fresh and clean (assuming you have good scallops) and...

How to Stuff a Chicken Breast

I’m betting that you, like me, eat a fair about of chicken. And while, I think the legs, thighs, and wings of the bird are actually amongst the best parts, I’m betting that you, like me, also eat a...

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