Prep Time  10minutes
Total Time  10mins

How to Chop Apples

Fruit is probably under-used in savory recipes and apples are one fruit that shouldn’t be. In this cooking technique video, I show you how to chop up an apple, which, in this particular case,  I used an apple and black bean salsa.  But no matter what recipe you’re making, savory or sweet, knowing the right knife techniques will help you in a number of ways.  You'll be able to cut down on your cook time (and thus increase your eating time), be much safer in the kitchen, and let's not forget the fact that with some fast hands you'll impress the hell out of your guests.


To Dice an Apple

  • You don’t have to peel the apple, but I generally do, as I don’t think cooked apple skin  is all that tasty
  • Once peeled, I cut off three sides of the flesh, leaving the core intact (which I discard).  You can cut the sides square, but I find thirds, is a bit easier and faster.
  • Depending on the size of the dice you want you can make your cuts closer or farther apart
  • Take the first piece and lay the flat side on the cutting board.  With the knife horizontally (the same direction as the cutting board) slice through the apple so you end up with two planks of about equal thickness
  • Then cut down through the apple planks, making French fry shapes
  • Turn the “French fries” 90 degrees and cut through them making the dice
  • Repeat that process with the other apple slices and you’ll have your diced apple

Note that peeled apples can discolor quickly and turn brown – which doesn’t hurt the taste, but doesn’t help the looks.  To prevent the apples from turning brown, just rub the outside with a bit of lemon juice, and that will keep them fresh looking.


Comments (1 )

January 2nd, 2021 - 3:12am
You mean you can somehow live until you give it to you?

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