Rosemary Butter Steak Sauce
The craving: Feed me tender steak touched by roasted herb.
The palate: buttery and herbal.
The dish: Filet Mignon with Rosemary Butter
Love it or hate it, rosemary touches our lives in sight, scent and song. Its intense blue, pink or purple flowers bloom much of the year in some climates. Its aroma enchants enthusiasts with lemon-pine tinges. And the romance of rosemary has been celebrated for centuries from the draping of Aphrodite to the adornment of brides to its appearance in songs like Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) and Scarborough Fair.
But in cooking, folks do seem to love or hate rosemary. Hate it possibly for its pine-needle texture and woodsy or tree-like character. But love it for how it enhances breads, crackers and pizza crust and how it imparts a mustard/charred-wood aroma when roasted. Seems that rosemary’s overuse is the main objection for diners, but many appreciate its appearance in subtle forms.
Big fans will welcome rosemary as it infuses butter and covers a pan-fried filet mignon with a perfectly browned crust. Chef Dave Beaulieu recommends high heat to create the crust while keeping the center medium rare. He creates the sauce in the pan, basting the meat with it for about 30 seconds, as opposed to preparing a butter log, as other cooks are known to do. “It is one of my favorite recipes to make for special occasions, and never fails to wow my friends and family.”
Rosemary Butter Sauce includes:- consistently: butter, fresh rosemary, olive oil, salt, black pepper
- often: garlic
- occasionally: lemon zest
- rarely: dried Italian seasonings in addition to the rosemary
- prepare ahead as a butter log
- top other foods such as potatoes, chicken or lamb
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