How to Pit an Olive
Nobody (except maybe your dentist) wants to see you bite into an olive pit. Those little guys, despite be very small and harmless looking, are hard and rocks, and it could really ruin someone’s day to bite unexpectedly into a pit. So, is this quick cooking video I show you my technique for removing an olive pit.
How to Pit an Olive
Granted, you can find olives that are already pitted…and if you like them, and can find them…by all means use them. But, if you come across some that need pitting, you can follow these simple steps:
- Place the olives on your cutting board
- Use your chef’s knife (or if you’re doing a ton, use another cutting board) to press down firmly on the olives
- That pressure will break the skin and create a tear in the olive
- Using that tear as the start, use your fingers to pry the olive open into two separate halves
- Remove the pit, and discard.
- If you want to keep the olive whole, it’s easy to do, just don’t tear it completely, instead just work the pit out through the whole created from the first press
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