How to Peel a Potato

Dave Beaulieu July 11th, 2011

In this cooking technique video, I show you show to peel a potato. Now, I hesitated even putting this video up, because, you know, who doesn’t know how to peel a potato?  Well, it’s true that peeling a potato is not the hardest thing out there, but there are some methods that are better than others.  Using the right technique, and practicing it a few times, you can work much faster and safer.  Then you end up spending more time eating, and enjoying the food…rather than prepping it.

How to Peel a Potato

  • The technique I show you in the video is designed to be safe, and to use the fewest number of peeling strokes possible
  • Cradle the potato in one hand
  • Use your dominant hand, to peel off the skin by starting at the end of the potato farthest  from you, peeling back towards yourself
  • Keep the peeler in contact with the potato, and try to get all the way from one end to the other in one swipe
  • Rotate the potato, and repeat the process until you move all the way around
  • One you have the peel off, go back around and remove any brown spots and patches that you missed
  • Run the potato under cold water to clean it and you’re good to go

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