The thicker the pork chop, the better. That's a pretty good general rule when it comes to pork chop perfection. But cooking thick chops, like 2 or more inches thick does require a bit of technique to make sure the pork stays tender and juicy in the center, with a ton of caramelized flavor on the crust. Well you've come to the right place if you looking for the the recipes & techniques to cook your perfect thick cut pork chop. Here, I've grabbed all my favorite recipes, as well as my cooking guides that will take you through brining the pork chop, seasoning & flavoring, cooking for how long and at what temp, and serving it up. You're going to be amazed at how awesome a well cooked, and wonderfully thick, pork chop can taste. Enjoy!
Recipe Pan Roasted Pork Chop with Succotash

Pan Roasted Pork Chop with Succotash

In this recipe video, I show you how to make a pan roasted pork chop with vegetable succotash. Pork chops, cooked well, are among my favorite dinners. To get the best results, make sure to be buy nice and thick, double cut chops, and brine them for 5 - 8 hours before cooking (although when I...
Maple Glazed Pork Chop Recipe

Maple Glazed Pork Chop

In this recipe video, I show you how to make a maple glazed pork chop. Since I was a kid, pork chops have been a favorite of mine. As an adult, I’ve grown to appreciate the fact that pork chops themselves have a fairly mild flavor, which is very accepting of whatever other ingredients and sauces...

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